Belgique – Mercredi 27/09/2017 – – EPCI contractor of the substation and its foundation for Rentel offshore wind farm in Belgium has successfully installed the foundation last week.


After installing first monopiles and transition pieces for the turbines at the Rentel offshore wind farm, GeoSea’s vessel Innovation installed the monopile – 1,050 tons and 78 x Ø8- , its J-tube cage – 240 tons with its 10 Jtubes –  and the transition piece – 28 meters and 750 tons – of STX’s substation.

The topside – of 1,200 t and 32x17x20 m –  is still under construction at STX yard in Saint-Nazaire, France. It will be installed on Rentel wind farm at the start of 2018.


Points de repère

Le consortium Otary est chargé de développer Rentel, parc installé au large de Zeebrugge, L’ investissement global est de plus d’1.2 milliard d’euros et comprendra 42 éoliennes de 7 MW fournies par Siemens.

7/03/2016 – C’est un nouveau contrat « clé en main » pour STX France avec la sous-station électrique pour Rentel.

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