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Ocean Energy Europe 2020 – Jour 2

2 décembre 2020 / 8 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min

Le programme de la conférence de cette année examine comment les technologies innovantes de l’énergie océanique peuvent conduire la transition énergétique verte vers un avenir neutre en carbone.

Les impacts de la crise climatique et de la pandémie de coronavirus soulignent l’importance d’investir dans des industries robustes et résistantes aux chocs. La reprise économique mondiale a besoin de nouveaux secteurs durables pour stimuler l’activité industrielle et créer des emplois.

C’est le moment opportun pour montrer que les technologies d’énergie océanique indigènes, infinies et décentralisées sont bien adaptées à cette réalité économique et environnementale. Le programme OEE2020 démontrera également que la chaîne d’approvisionnement étendue et le potentiel d’exportation massif de l’énergie océanique offrent de réels avantages économiques parallèlement à ses références en matière d’énergie verte.


S’inscrire à l’Événement

Wave tech showcase: Innovation at work

Wave tech showcase: Innovation at work

Wave energy devices continue to advance, finding innovative ways to exploit one of the world’s richest resources. In this session, we will bring delegates up to speed with a range of rapid-fire presentations, featuring the latest news from the top wave technology developers.


Chair: Jochen Weilepp
OEE Co-President and Board Advisor to Schottel Hydro

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  • Sam LeightonCEO | Bombora Wave Power
  • Per ResenCEO | Resen Waves
  • Hayden MarcolloDirector | Amog Consulting
  • Michael HenriksenCEO | Wavepiston
Tidal tech showcase: Powering homes

Tidal tech showcase: Powering homes

Tidal energy’s generating capacity continues to grow, powering ever more homes and businesses in Europe. This session will highlight leading tidal stream technology developers, who will present their latest achievements and experiences.


Chair: Sue Barr
Chair | Marine Energy Council

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  • Mario IglesiasManaging Director | Magallanes Renovables
  • Andries Van UnenCEO | Tocardo
  • Dong LiChief Engineer | LHD
  • Andrew ScottCEO | Orbital Marine Power
Hervé Morin - President of Normandy & Hubert Dejean de la Batie - Normandy Vice-President

| Keynote and Interview

Hervé Morin – President of Normandy & Hubert Dejean de la Batie – Normandy Vice-President

Hervé Morin (born 17 August 1961) is a French politician, currently the President of Normandy. Leader of the party The Centrists, he was the Minister of Defence under President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Vi Maris Award

Vi Maris Award

The OEE industry award Vi Maris (Force of the sea) recognises excellence in the ocean energy industry. The industry award acknowledges individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the ocean energy sector.


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Paul Wheelhouse - Scottish Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands

| Keynote

Paul Wheelhouse – Scottish Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands

Born in Northern Ireland, and raised in Scotland, Paul is a professional economist, who has an MA (Hons) in Economic Science from the University of Aberdeen and an MBA from University of Edinburgh. Paul worked for 19 years in economic consultancy for public and private sector clients prior to his election in May 2011. He has previously served as Minister for Environment and Climate Change (2012-2014), Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs (2014-2016) and Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy (2016-2018), and prior to ministerial office was a member of the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee and the Parliament’s Standards Committee.


Scotland is now

| Networking Forum

Scotland is now

Scotland is a world leader in the development and deployment of wave and tidal energy technologies. It plays host to the world’s leading wave and tidal test centre, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney; the world’s first commercial scale and largest tidal stream array; the world’s first community tidal stream array and the world’s most powerful tidal stream turbine. The Wave Energy Scotland (WES) technology programme, has invested more than £41.6 million in more than 95 projects to date. These projects are developing wave devices, sub-systems and components, as well as leading the way in advanced control systems.


Scotland continues to champion the wave and tidal energy sector, supporting the research, development, and demonstration that will maintain Scotland’s competitive advantage and potentially deliver significant domestic and export-led economic benefit.

DTOcean+ Workshop

| Side Event

DTOcean+ Workshop

The H2020 DTOceanPlus project aims to develop and test a software suite of advanced design tools for tidal and wave systems, to be released mid-2021 following validation by industrial partners in the consortium. The workshop will give a general overview of the suite of tools and their capabilities, plus explain how to run them with relevant user cases.


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OPIN - Ocean DEMO Workshop

| Side Event

OPIN – Ocean DEMO Workshop

Since inception, the OPIN project has built a network of over 380 companies from across Ocean energy and related sectors to collaborate and address industry challenges. OPIN partners will update participants on their activities to date and will highlight the supports that OPIN members can access to both improve their own technology development as well as address joint challenges for the sector.


The Ocean DEMO project partners will update on their progress to address significant challenges for the industry such as de-risking OE generating technologies in multi-device farm configuration; developing an active supply chain that invests in dedicated OE sub-systems and components and creating a supportive policy environment for OE by providing governments with confidence in OE and highlighting OE’s economic benefits.


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Date :
2 décembre 2020
Heure :
8 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Évènement Tags:


Ocean Energy Europe
Voir le site Organisateur
