Ocean Decade Virtual Series – Fostering innovative ocean science partnerships for Small Island Developing States in the Ocean Decade

The Decade will provide a framework for collaborative and participative ocean research, and support better integration of diverse knowledge systems from different science disciplines and ocean communities. Convened by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO, in partnership with United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed […]

Ocean Decade Virtual Series: Co-designing the science we need for the Ocean Decade: Part 2

This closing webinar, we will recap the main issues and questions that arose during the series of regional webinars so far, revisit key aspects that need to be better anchored and explore innovative methodologies for engagement and integration of different knowledge systems. The session will be organised in three parts: - Part 1: Needs and […]

Ocean Decade Virtual Series: Co-designing the science we need for the North Atlantic

This virtual session is co-organised by IOC and the partners of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation. The discussion will aim to identify recommendations to guide the development of collaborative, multi-stakeholder research efforts in the North Atlantic to support Ocean Decade objectives. The session will be divided into two parts: - Part I: Introduction […]

Brave New World, Brave New Ocean: Ocean Decade High Level Virtual Event

Janvier 2021 marque le début de la décennie peut-être la plus critique de notre vie. Les énormes dégâts causés par la pandémie de COVID-19 ont déclenché des crises économiques et sociales à travers la planète. Beaucoup comptent sur une économie verte croissante pour nous ramener à la reprise. Mais qu'en est-il de l'économie bleue durable? […]

Sénat – Mission d’Information Fonds marins – auditions

en ligne

La mission d'information sur  « L'exploration, la protection et l'exploitation des fonds marins : quelle stratégie pour la France ? » entend Jeudi 28 avril 2022 à 9 heures 30  Julian Barbière  chef de la section de la politique marine et de la coordination régionale à la Commission océanographique intergouvernementale de l'UNESCO à 10 heures 30 […]