10/08/2018 – Rapport Eolien Etat de NY – Offshore Wind Master Plan – Plan directeur de l’éolien offshore de l’Etat de New York – qui vise à atteindre 2 400 MW d’éolien offshore au large des côtes de l’Atlantique d’ici 2030. La production permettrait d’alimenter 1,2 million de foyers new-yorkais.



Describes the objectives and methodology of the State’s planning process, and identifies the 20 studies the State undertook to gather data on environmental, social, economic, regulatory, and infrastructure issues relevant to offshore wind energy development. These studies, conducted over the last two years, inform

the path toward achieving the State’s goals, and cover a wide variety of topics related to siting, regulatory, wildlife, commercial, economic, and other important considerations. This section also reviews the State’s extensive outreach efforts with interested agencies, entities, communities, and individuals, which helped achieve a balanced evaluation of the potential for offshore wind development.


Carte extraite de la présentation de la NYSERDA du 23/05/2018


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